Sunday, September 21, 2014



In the annals of great AJPW 6-mans from when the New Generation was going up against Jumbo and his team of hitmen, this might as well be known as the "Nose-Break Match". I gather beforehand in the back it went something like this.

Jumbo: "Well, we need to get some good heat on you tonight, and there's only so many times I can beat on Kikuchi." *winks knowingly at him* "So how about this: let's go for a body part... Hey Kenta, let's go for your nose! Let Fuchi do it, he's best at that kind of thing." *belly laughs* *Fuchi grins sadistically*

And that's pretty much what happens. Everybody gets a moment to shine and build the heat up, then Fuchi steps on Kobashi's face and when he stands up punches him right in it, which ends up with everyone on Jumbo's side doing their best to make him not breathe right for a month. Everybody gets their licks in but Fuchi is the master of torture and there are closeups of him just blasting Kobashi directly in the nose until it bleeds while Kawada stands on the apron with his face of stoic disapproval, awaiting the hot tag so he can maul Jumbo. The crowd HATES Taue by the way. Any time he does anything they boo the shit out of him like he's a traitor to his kin. Of course Kikuchi shows a ton of heart and Jumbo has complete disdain for this, basically treating him like a rag doll and dumping him from six feet in the air at will. Kawada callously enzui-lariatos Jumbo at one point and after selling it for a while he comes back in in a complete rage to brawl with Kawada and shit gets serious. End is kind of a cluster but it emphasizes that this fight ain't over and there will be hell to pay no matter who won. This is the kind of wrestling I love best: guys showing no daylight in feuds that need to be settled. The All Japan Six-Man was great at doing that as much as any interpromotional feud in WAR, NJPW, FMW, etc. and it's a beauty to watch.

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