Sunday, September 21, 2014



In the annals of great AJPW 6-mans from when the New Generation was going up against Jumbo and his team of hitmen, this might as well be known as the "Nose-Break Match". I gather beforehand in the back it went something like this.

Jumbo: "Well, we need to get some good heat on you tonight, and there's only so many times I can beat on Kikuchi." *winks knowingly at him* "So how about this: let's go for a body part... Hey Kenta, let's go for your nose! Let Fuchi do it, he's best at that kind of thing." *belly laughs* *Fuchi grins sadistically*

And that's pretty much what happens. Everybody gets a moment to shine and build the heat up, then Fuchi steps on Kobashi's face and when he stands up punches him right in it, which ends up with everyone on Jumbo's side doing their best to make him not breathe right for a month. Everybody gets their licks in but Fuchi is the master of torture and there are closeups of him just blasting Kobashi directly in the nose until it bleeds while Kawada stands on the apron with his face of stoic disapproval, awaiting the hot tag so he can maul Jumbo. The crowd HATES Taue by the way. Any time he does anything they boo the shit out of him like he's a traitor to his kin. Of course Kikuchi shows a ton of heart and Jumbo has complete disdain for this, basically treating him like a rag doll and dumping him from six feet in the air at will. Kawada callously enzui-lariatos Jumbo at one point and after selling it for a while he comes back in in a complete rage to brawl with Kawada and shit gets serious. End is kind of a cluster but it emphasizes that this fight ain't over and there will be hell to pay no matter who won. This is the kind of wrestling I love best: guys showing no daylight in feuds that need to be settled. The All Japan Six-Man was great at doing that as much as any interpromotional feud in WAR, NJPW, FMW, etc. and it's a beauty to watch.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014



Yeeeeeah, I SAID this shit was old. So sit down and getchoself a chair, and a strong drink and a long attention span because you're gonna need it. But it's still some of the best shit you'll ever see and you should be happy it's not in black and white... actually not, cause it would be cooler.

(Speaking of which, if you feel that arcane and awesome, THIS just showed up on YouTube. All the old Dumont Network-aired Chicago [AWA] wrestling from the '50s, before anyone decided to ever decide to dig it up and re-air it for, you know, 65 years plus. Despite the fact that it was some of the first televised film shown and recorded for posterity period. Haha... the wonders of both ancient and modern technology.)

Anyway! For someone expecting something fast-paced or having anything close to a modern highspot, this isn't for you. If you want a great match with a slow build in the NWA '70s Broadway style, it is however. Nothing but nagging tension until sudden explosions of offense by one guy who could be a cool Hemicuda-driving, half-Indian ladies man and another who looks like a supermarket middle-manager with the worse receding hairline + comb-over of all time. And it's long, and you'll fuckin' like it if you know what's good for you.

Halfway through these guys look to be working with as much as they could, though absolutely NOTHING really interesting was possible. (Sam Muchnick, the short fat man with the glasses sitting ringside, is the NWA President that is basically like the Al Capone of wrestling at this point who couldn't stand for anything to get too, well, interesting because it might "expose" the business.) These guys are working every headlock and reversal perfectly to create something the Japanese fans will silently, as always, dig right into, and please the boss at the same time. And it will to you to hopefully as they cruelly grind then suddenly, violently throw into each headlock. Every sudden burst of overhead takedowns or roll-ups feels frenzied before both men wearily peel back to size each other up. Eventually Brisco works into a series of deathlock submissions that look as legit as anything in current MMA (or in UWFi/RINGS/etc. from the early '90s) before Dory sloooooooowly retreats back to the knuckle-lock. He doesn't sell in Jack's body-scissors and I start to wonder about his ability in big matches from this period. Good offense at least with him fighting for the Boston Crab with Brisco until the unwarranted bear-hug that they quickly see needs to be left for bigger and more capable guys. We get several more clean breaks until Dory decides to start the stretching contest again. Him giving up on a butterfly suplex is pretty funny. Then we're back to working the arm from Jerry and I think we are on the second fall? This is hard to watch even for me at time (esp. between drinks).

Well nevermind, because Dory gets caught in a brutal abdominal stretch and it looks to be almost a lucha-style second fall with a sudden submission but Jr. tosses Brisco the fuck out of it looking like the ultimate TJ Maxx security guard of all times. He then fends off the 10 SUPERMOVES OF BRISCO DOOM -- basically every '70s highspot possible in a row until Dory suddenly busts his ass with the Butterfly Suplex (such a classic these days) so Jack can convulse for a minute and Mr. Middle Management can celebrate. 

(Goddamn, this is a long match.)

Okay, fuck, this file just added in some insanely creepy Mexican cartoon commercial then apparently one of those "Support Our Troops" things we see every damn day on TV. I am baffled. Please, more wrestling from before I was born?

DOS CAIDA (really? I thought it was Tercera): Dory and Jack both say "C'MERE!" Scorpion style to whop the shit out of each other. 

I lost part at this track with them going pseudo-Lucha for a minute in their work and then getting stiff with the uppercuts. It ends with probably the best way anyone's ever made one of the weakest looking submissions in wrestling ever go. 

Goddamn this is strange and I don't like to write anything about a wrestling match this long, but this one is, so, fuck it. Enjoy. Or not. If you give any kind of a shit about the history of this weird and beautiful style of physical expression and cheap carny art, then it's essential.